Archive for the 'nature' Category

in the butterfly tent…

in the kiddo’s room at school, the new butterflies have come out of their chrysalis’s. The kids can sit, one at a time, in the little tent with six butterflies. And while they do, this beautiful cd, A Pink Whale and a Very Tall Tree, sings along; sings about the little things that, when one is very young…or, still young; are so very, very big. “This is butterfly music!”, classmate Hazel declared. It is indeed. And more.

Shana has made one beautiful, magical cd. Check it out, and don’t forget to see her whimsical animations, too.

Bee fine

I liked this site on bees and what this group is doing to save them. In his own way, he cares, too.

I wonder what Scully and Mulder would have to say about the bee thing. I miss them.

walk on…

It’s warming up again around here. The kiddo and I have been doing a lot of walking, examining the drain system on the streets and hanging out on corner wood stumps. Our favorite walking path, the one where she stops and sets up a faux campfire along the way, is still too muddy for investigation.

She’s quite a walker, capable of two miles on foot, though she’ll consent to the stroller when we go on further treks into the town’s center for hot chocolate and a cookie. I love the scents in the air now. Earth. Rain. Pine. Did you know that when the pine scent is strong in the spring, that means the sap is running in the maple taps? Babci passed that along Sunday on our walk around the neighborhood. I think it was their first stroll around here.

Our library was closed for two weeks while they moved into a new, though temporary, location. Since I’ve had the kiddo, my reading has been mostly episodic. It’s difficult to follow a novel with so many interruptions. Poetry and essays fit the situation perfectly. Right now I’m reading Thoreau’s personal journals and a collection of Emily Dickinson’s poetry. I’ve kind of avoided her for kind of stupid reasons. I just can’t stomach anything from that age. I read it, and I feel a sneeze coming on. Stifled. But there are things about Emily’s poetry, mostly the form, that I like… the spare simplicity, the spirituality and connection to nature and its processes. But, um, so far, I’m most struck by how much attention she pays to death. I don’t know what to make of it, honestly. I’ve not gotten very far though. I’ll be patient.

One book that’s escaped me that’s on my list is A Walk in The Woods: Rediscovering American on the Appalachian Trail, by Bill Bryson. I’m terribly curious about the trail after reading one person’s account of it in a short essay. It’s not something I think I’ll do, at least, not the entire trail; not with the kiddo in my life. But I think there is something about walking or biking, being outside and not in a moving box, that connects us powerfully to our environment. Sometimes sight is overrated. I haven’t owned a car since 1989, though I do drive now that I have the kiddo when I need to. I’ve been fortunate enough to live in places where I didn’t need a car. To get to work, I simply walked, or, as was the case when I worked at Yankee Candle, some 9 miles away from where I lived at the time, I biked. It gave me some quiet time, and the roads were generally quiet. I loved the very early morning especially, when I got out of work and had the chance to note the sun rising. To see the sun is one thing, to feel its warmth building on its way to morning is another. I think the line in the movie Crash about cars isolating us had a point.

I found this cool collection of photography at Gutter Envy via Art for Housewives. These are beautiful and sad still lifes of detritus along city streets. It really struck a cord for me…one of my preoccupations while living in Manhattan was, um, trash. I couldn’t walk down the street without heaving, it affected me so. Anyway, check ’em out.

just checking in…

I have so many things I want to talk about but little time right now. There’s tents and faux-campfires to build and enjoy with the kiddo, spring cleaning, and some other projects.

But there’s my disappointment with the reaction to Gore’s testimony on Capitol Hill…what’s up with that? Is there a Republican plan/response to the global warming issue besides obstinence? Or do they want to cob major points from the Dem’s, implement them, and swipe credit for saving the world? I’m tired of the games. I’m admittedly not as politically tuned in as I would like, but this issue is NOT something that comes with a do-0ver, it’s not something to be screwed up.

Ok, I am calm again. Really. I am working on some bird assemblage art that I promise to share with you in the coming days as WIPS (works in progress). For now I will leave you to admire the work of artist Lauri Faggioni’s soft sculptures, which include, yes, birds and other creatures. Lovely work.

petit treasures

Currently on my Etsy favorite list:

Shana Barry’s delightful Fofers have gone miniature and are now available at Etsy along with the new Peaceballs.

This jewelry is like wearing fragments of vintage France. By Amy Hanna.

ScrapDanny’s work is just like its title…scraps incorporated into bags, scarves, and collages.

And lastly, I just love Sweetpea the seahorse:

this just makes me…

sad. But you know, there’s no such thing as global warming, right? Righhhhhhhhhhht.


this is a passage I like to come back to from time to time, just to remind me of how very connected we are to each other, and to nature in being and in action:

“The body repeats the landscape. They are the source of each other and create each other. We were marked by the seasonal body of earth, by the terrible migrations of people, by the swift turn of a century, verging on change never before experienced on this greening planet”

Meridel LeSueur’s “The Ancient People and the Newly Come”

I ‘ve become curious about exploring this theme in photography. I painted landscapes extensively in high school. I just painted how they made me feel…often in bright, throbbing colors having little to do with the actual likeness of the subject. Then I stopped. Became bored with landscapes as a subject while studying photography…Ansel Adams wasn’t my thing.

When I drive “home” to upstate N.Y., I always note on the long four hour drive the changes and shifts in the landscapes, both man made and natural. And sometimes I’ve even noticed subtle changes in the character of where I lived so many years. I’ve resented and then grown to love my birthplace and the landscapes of rivers and woods, open fields and valleys…are a big part of it. It’s who I am, wherever I am.

the squirrels

are going to starve this winter, unless I start an acorn relocation program. Took a long, long walk with Emm yesterday. We went all of two blocks, but the walk lasted an hour or so because this little girl has to collect every.single.acorn in sight, despite the pleadings of both her father and myself to save some for the poor squirrels. Then she takes them home, and puts them into her hand decorated jars after sorting them.

Did anyone notice that the sky, at least in Connecticut anyway, was the same blue, blue sky as it was five years ago, yesterday? C. did.

the squirrels

are going to starve this winter, unless I start an acorn relocation program. Took a long, long walk with Emm yesterday. We went all of two blocks, but the walk lasted an hour or so because this little girl has to collect every.single.acorn in sight, despite the pleadings of both her father and myself to save some for the poor squirrels. Then she takes them home, and puts them into her hand decorated jars after sorting them.

Did anyone notice that the sky, at least in Connecticut anyway, was the same blue, blue sky as it was five years ago, yesterday? C. did.


I just found out that the nature center nearby is in need of volunteers to help take care of its raptors :> These birds include an eagle, hawks, a vulture, and several kinds of owls. They’ve come to the program through injury, usually from car accidents, some even missing a wing.

How freaking cool would it be to work with owls?? Ok, I may just be showing my geeky side. One of my prized possessions is an encased shadowbox of a three dimensional paper cut owl  perched on a birch tree limb. Found on Ebay, natch. A woman in Florida was parting with her owl collection. Not that I collect owls. Yet.

I’ve read about them and I’m surprised to find so many negative connotations across the board culturally regarding them. They really are an important part of the balance of nature. I find them to be majestic, mysterious, and beautiful…especially the snowy owl and the barn owl. The babies are just too cute for this world…wispy and fuzzy, but wise looking.

I’m doing it. I’m going to be an owl caretaker. :>

April 2024